moshi moshi...
haha... forgot to add about the thing that i found out and it is the most outstanding in the malaysia trip. if you happen to be in NS highway and wanting to return the nature's calling, for the guys only, visit the toilet in Machap resting area on theside facing down to Johore. i mean there is nothing much about the toilet, it's not like the one in Great World there you got like egyptians staring at you while you are peeing and leting you think that there might be a hidden camera for getting into the next Gotcha series where a little boy starts to run into the scene and look into your urinal compartment. NO! nothing perverted and nothing special about the toliet. it's just a malaysian toilet with some liquid body dispose around the disposal area and some unflushed bowls by a couple of idiots. if you actually been into the toilet, you actually realise that the urinal is SUPRISINGLY TALL!!! it's like the bottom of the urinal, the area there it is jagged out so that just in case water is dripping perpenticularly so that the water will not dirty the floor, i'm refering to the jagged out area bottom surface, which is the bottom of the urinal, not the cavity for you to pee into it, is just about 5 centimetres away from my groin. i mean, for a 170+ cm point of view, it must be Shaq's unrinal. i looked around, there was no kid's unrinal. O.O ok. so are you thinking about the opposite? a very LOW urinal that is actually about 5 centimetres below my waistline. well, THERE IS!!! if you are going down the highway towards tuas checkpoint and before you pay your malaysian checkpoint toll, drivers will pay a visit to either esso or petronas. the last stop for a driver to get relief from high gas taxes from singapore. ok. the toilet is at petronas. it's freaking low. haha. you should go there and check it out someday. it's kinda funny.went out and do project with ting feng today and ended up playing motherload. haha. thn family dinner in bedok. a restruant that is super crowded. and after that, home. haha. nothing much today though. 1 more ang bao. haha.
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