Saturday, September 09, 2006

brain dead and legs are totally fubared

oh well. if you are expecting me to post about steam boat (for the black butts), yes, i'm going to a bit of it. it's fun! lol. ok lah, that sounds so wrong. iggy and leo and i wore red, threesome gay sia. but the bottoms got variation (son so wrong again). AND I LOST TO YUKI! i shot ball 10 on a double, thn I GO IN LANGKAU! thn lose liao. BUT NEBBERMIND! YOSHI AND IGGY LOST TO YUKI AND I! OWNED! OWNED! TOTALLY FUBAREDLY OWNED BY A GIRL and a guy.

yesterday's frisbee was quite fun but the ending part my team kept losing. i guess it's just lack of some coordination bah. but nvm, i'm motivated to train more and play more. woot. need do forehand airbouce. i realised, earnest and i didnt do like 30 airbounces. maybe sunday bah. haha. but i think i'll die on sunday, coz there's basketball today also. i'm so tired. dang. fubar.

ok, i try this thing out. learnt it yesterday and made me feel 15 again. ahha.

y horx e sum of e ppl frm sec sch say engrish lyk dat nehx? i dunno lohx. lyk dat v diff 2 c mehx? not sho bad wohx. i still can read nehx. den i tink dey pa jiao or wat sia. i tink dey eyes no more lohx, dunno how 2 read mehx?

shit, it's in the morning and i've to strain my brain to type like that and it's like only 2 lines. ok, 2 lines in my post creation, maybe 4 lines in my blog. haha.


At 10:49 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

[...] y horx e sum of e ppl frm sec sch say engrish lyk dat nehx? i dunno lohx. lyk dat v diff 2 c mehx? not sho bad wohx. i still can read nehx. den i tink dey pa jiao or wat sia. i tink dey eyes no more lohx, dunno how 2 read mehx? [...]

Do it the mrbrown way.

y horx is e sum of e ppl frm e sec sch say e engrish lyk dat wan? sometimes ish not tey wan to spreak lyk tis, but tey ish can only tok lyk tis. very e singaporean wan. very gd wan. can blend wif e s0ciety. ppl not think u jai kantan wan.


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