Monday, November 13, 2006

some interesting nicks on msn

i thought that they are funny...

-exams are just so easy... to fail. (lol, true true...)
-i miss someone (this is like telling the people around him/her, "i'll give you an idea of i miss someone and i'm going to make a big fuss out of it and want to have alot of help from people, but i won't tell them exactly how i feel and how they can help me. coz i feel that they can't help me at all" fubar...)
-Dota is preventing me from studying (well, true)
-she already took it down, so its not necessary anymore (it's like she took something out of him and then that part will not function anymore. *hint hint*)
-purple... cant be bothered... (so he/she actually bothered to put "cant be bothered" as his/her nick. what duh!!!)
-samurai ed's blog is (hey, that's me!)
-finding my own corner in the darken world (hmm. just dun get lost in finding it, you need light)
-ARGH! I LOST MY PENCIL CASE (like someone from msn is going to put "YES! I STOLE YOUR PENCIL CASE!")
-WO AI ROONEY (ROCKS! to me it's funny thinking how the guy who used this nick is going to say it out)
-cant imagine my life w/o you (eh? i guess he/she is just trying to rub alot of sugar into some desperate people)
-wee, i love slave guys (eh, i love your head to be on the floor too.)
-do you have steam (0.0 sounds so wrong)
-will never hurt you and the hardest part is this... (hmm, wat's up with the ...)

ok, enough for today. tired! sleep! haha...


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